Menadiona will be visiting Cosmetorium 2022 in Barcelona next 28th and 29th of September.
Menadiona is probably the unique company worldwide to produce the complete line of Vitamin K (K1, K1 Oxide, K2 MK-4, K2 MK-7, K3 and MSB).
Vitmain K1 Oxide (Phytonadione Epoxyde - CAS nº: 25486-55-9) is used in Cosmetics since it has been proven that it is a high decongestant, with a high capacity of reducing erythema and facial redness. Moreover, it has the property of reducing the purple pigmentation of dark circles and bruises.
If you'd like to have more information regarding this material, please feel free to to schedule a meeting with us at Cosmetorium.
See you in Barcelona!
Your trusted European manufacturer in specialty chemicals